William Robinson: Inspirations
Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire – Yeats
Esteemed Australian artist William Robinson has established a reputation as one of our nation's leading landscape painters. For more than four decades he has produced an extraordinarily complex body of work. Beyond the significant cultural and aesthetic contribution of his oeuvre itself, his influence also extends to the personal inspiration he has afforded many Queenslanders through his long standing role as a teacher.
We learn through metaphor and image, and Robinson's works have much to teach us about beauty, colour, and form. The best teaching arises directly from the character and integrity of the teacher and a good teacher kindles inspiration in a way that sows the seeds for an abundant future, and creates the ground for lifelong learning in their students.
Inspirations is curated by Dame Quentin Bryce – a passionate champion of education – and celebrates the connections Robinson has woven between himself, his subjects, and his students as well as those that both artist and curator continue through their enthusiastic participation in QUT's vibrant cultural landscape.
30 July 2015 - 12 June 2016